Count Me In...

Sign me up
1. Huey, meeting at Sears, both days, Camping at Barker
2. Slamson00, meet you at Truckee
3. XSAL, meeting at Sears, Option 3 laugh
4. Tolleyy and family in the Titan, day run on sat, meet in Truckee
5. Rob, best buy in fairfield?? 6:45 - 7:00 ?? i'm game for the whole trip
6. Dave, meet in Truckee. May camp friday night, and saturday, like last year.
7. SuperJ, incline village.
8. GrgX, same with Akio.
9. KaiOtiK -aka- Andy, Meeting at Sears, Option 3 [Smoking]
Best Regards,
Andy -AKA- KaiOtiK
"rEaLiTy iS tHe ExIsTeNz Of CoUpLeD vIsUaLiZaTiOn"