I know posts like this are annoying, but I am going to go ahead with it in hopes that someone here will offer some help and take me serious enough not to ignore it and/or flame me.

I've been lurking this board for some time and have finally decided to register and start posting.

Most noteworthy, I have been eyeing the Xterra since its conception. I just sold my 01 Titan Crew Cab (awesome truck, I might add) and am about to purchase a used 02 Xterra Se S/C - something a bit smaller.

I am going to buy it sight-unseen and fly 2200 miles to pick it up and drive it back.
"Why???" you ask....

Because it is the only one I have managed to find that has the particular options that I want (5-speed, Leather, Supercharger. Yellow in color).

I need to add that it has 44,000 miles on it and I have been reassured it is in excellent condition with the exception that it needs new tires and it has a couple of door dings.

Besides the obvious foolishness of buying a used vehicle sight-unseen, is there anything in particular I should be concerned about in regards to the 02 Xterra?
My biggest concern is the supercharger. Should I be so concerned??

Note I am hoping to direct these questions to guys that know the Xterra, not just any used 4x4, hence my posting it on this forum.

Any input and or opinions directly related to buying an Xterra would be graciously welcome , especially one with a supercharger.

Hopefully, after owning 20 other vehicles, I will be able to park an Xterra in my driveway and spend gobs of time on this forum contributing.

I think you'll be surprised at the mods I can create from scratch.

Thank you in advance.

