Originally posted by mitch1351:
Your naughty bits are showing Wolf. I'm still on the fence about the BL. The Tires are rubbing and a BL will cure it and give me a bit of extra clearance here and there. Plus, with the wheel off-set giving a wider stance (I'm guessing about 3") the additional 2" of height probably isn't going to matter. But on the other hand, its a mod I hadn't planned on. The pondering continues...
If you hadn't planned on it, and since you just lifted it why don't you wait for a little while and see if it's something you think you'd benefit from. Get used to your truck as is and then if your constantly saying "dang, I wish I had a BL," then spend the money on it. Or if you've just got some mod money burning a hole in your pocket you could sent it to me so I could get some new UCA's smile or if you could spend the money on another mod that would add more functionality to your truck, like lights. You could roll the fenders for more clearance then put lights on it and you've spent the same amount of money but have more functionality.

That's just my two cents...