Originally posted by Auditor_Kevin:
My girlfriend had debit card fraud perpetrated on her at a Starbucks about a month ago.

She used her debit card for the purchase and didn't tip (do you tip the guy at 7-11 or White Hen?). She does tip sometimes but not every time. Anyway, when she was looking at her statement online it showed that she was charged an extra dollar.

The cunt working the counter overcharged her a tip. I'm no nickle dimer or cheap ass, but this was theft, plain and simple. My G/F went back to complain and they offered to give her a buck, but never a word about disciplining/firing the employee.

I told her to find the manager of that store's manager and let him/her in on the scam, but maybe that's because I can't fucking stand how the cashiers at Starbucks insist on being called "barristas". They're fucking cashiers. The only difference between them and the people busting their balls at McDonalds is the logo on the visor......and apparently their parent company's tolerance for theft.

My second suggestion was to find out what car was hers so I could gouge a key scratch in her ride that would negate not only my girlfriend's stolen dollar, but hopefully every other dollar she's stolen.

Fortunately, she didn't want me turning into a 13 year old and talked me off the ledge. It just burns me up to think that some cunt is making all kinds of money off of stealing a buck at a time.
I don't mean to pop your bubble or anything, but how would the cunt tip herself out of the register using a multiple overage of credit charges?