Originally posted by RabidRaider:

Insult Americans? WTF are you talking about? I used to think that you had an iota of intelligence but you just proved me wrong. Insulting Americans. STFU.
I guess there are no Americans who are Catholics? I guess there are no Americans who are Christians concerned about the assault on their values and symbols. You're self loathing bigotry is obvious.

I guess everyone who believes in Jesus Christ is supposed to think it is a joke.

Did you think you were writing the post for an audience in Baghdad? Let's hear some goofs on Mohammed. We won't because you are a coward.

FU... you are a PC asshole. No different then the rest.

Yes.. you are the one who insults Americans. You throw Christ around like a joke. Let's hear some of your Mohammed jokes or pictures. What's the matter? Too much of a pussy to come up with something? Too scared you might be labeled a racist?

Fuck You... Catholic bashing made easy..huh.