Ok, my friends and myself have decided to take a little road trip out to Colorado over Christmas break to do some skiing. We are likely planning on checking in on December 16th and heading home on the 21st. We are looking at skiing at Breckenridge or Copper Mountain. The nice thing about Breck is that the lift ticket is also good at Vail, Beaver Creek, Keystone, and Araphoe Basin. I have been to Big Bear in SoCal, but no one else has been out west before to ski, so anything out there will be mecca compared to what we are used to in the midwest. I have been able to find some good hotel/condo deals at Breck (100-130 a night) and some stuff slightly more expensive at Copper (140-160).

Does anyone have experience at these mountains? Likes, dislikes, preferences? Everyone going has been skiing for at least 3 years (up to 8) and would likely be doing blues with some easy blacks. What would you recommend if price was no object as well as if you were trying to be as economical as possible? Would Copper be worth spending more for or would the flexibility that the Breckenridge lift tickets give us be better?

Thanks for any help