"Duarte - Spaghetti Factory - Employees of the Spaghetti Factory claim to hear children playing in the rest room areas in the basement, dishes also fall to the floor, said to be the children playing games."

Man-o-man... Just had dinner here last nite with several friends... Before our group left, I need to go "drain the lizard" so I went downstairs to the basement area where the bathrooms are... No was around and it was kinda chilly in the men's restroom too... But I figured they leave the A/C on all the time...

After reading the comments above, I started to get goosebumps... Hhahahhahaha... Freakin' eh... I didn't hear kids playing around though... Just the instrumental musicals that you can hear from upstairs... Nonetheless, it felt a little erie, but nothing I can say that would scare the shit outta me...

- Air B eek