Because it looks like for the price, it cant be beat. I have up to $14,000 maximum to spend, cash. Pathfinders are way too expensive. WRX wagons look nice but also expensive and have transmission problems.

5 speed manual and 4x4 is a must. It has been hard looking for manual 4 wheel drives, and it seems theres a good amount of 00-01 Xterras that meet my criteria and they're still affordable!

So please give me some cliffs notes on Xterra, whats your general opinion of it? How big is the gas tank? I heard that the interior feels cheap but who cares, is it comfortable? Im going to be doing light 4 wheeling and also going camping in Mexico with mountain bikes, snowboarding in the mtns, camping, etc. DOes this sound like the truck for me or am I better off with a more expensive WRX wagon which will end up saving in the gas mileage department??

Do 00, 01 have a timing belt or chain?

Any issues I should be aware of?

What should I look for when buying my Xterra?
