Originally posted by T-Ray:
Good point spalind.
The United States is by far the leader in efficiency as far as industry and resources are concerned. We HAVE to be efficient to support ourselves and every other POS 3rd world, disaster stricken country in the world.

Yasha, thankfully you are moving to California. You will fit in much better with the majority there. Better yet, move to back to Russia for a year and then come back and we'll se how your view of the U.S. and everything we do to "lead by example" changes.
Tim, thank you for your input, I am really grateful of your opinion.

Guess I broke my own rule on talking politics. But hey whatever. These posts have shown who everyone really is.

Honestly, I am happy/not happy that I am moving back. looks like you want me gone, and looks like you will get it in 6 weeks.