Originally posted by NY Madman:
Originally posted by Desert_Rat:

[b]I have to agree with madman....I think 20 years from now this era will be looked upon much differently than it is today.
These days are going to be referred to as "the good old days". It won't be 20 years either.

The destruction and damage coming down the road in the near future can barely be imagined right now.

Next month in June, the Democrats are going to try and ram through the largest tax increase in American history. They've been working on it since they took back control of Congress. If you have income, you're taxes are going up. For some waaayyy up. The death tax is going to be huge. They claim they are eliminating the AMT but it won't make a difference anyway. Your taxes are going up and some people will be paying federal taxes of close to 45% if it goes through.

George Bush will veto the bill, but if a Democrat is elected, it will be passed next year.

Along with the plethora of other damaging and costly legislation they have been openly discussing -- so this is not coming as any secret to people who have been paying attention --- everyone is going to be much, much poorer in a few years. That's the people who still have jobs and survive the coming job loses due to regulation and more jobs going overseas because of costly global warming legislation that is coming in 2009.

Yes... in four years time, these will be the "good old days".

That's "change".[/b]
Dubya has done a horrible job on so many levels; his successes have been either dubious or relatively minor. When he came into the office he said "I'm a uniter, not a divider". It's a shame so many folks believed him. No doubt most feel betrayed by him (..I don't because he never earned my vote). It is hard to imagine historians looking kindly upon him or his staff.

But regardless who are next president might be I fear the next 4 years will be turbulent at best. I worry most about the domestic economy and gov't excess, again regardless of which party is power. I wish Obama/Clinton/McCain had the chutzpah to kick ass and simply do the right thing. I fear they don't.

IMHO, the Republican party has largely imploded. Dubya (and company) are mostly to blame. Oh, undoubtedly there will be a resurgence. But I suspect it won't be for another 10-12 years. Yet when they do they might very well be a MUCH better party than they are now - for example, more libertarian and fiscally responsible.
