When I bought my X the dealership a threw in something similar to this, I forget what it was called but was the similar stuff. It is amazing. I regularly wax my vehicles and they do shine more blah blah blah, but this stuff looks like the truck was just painted! I took it back and had it done a year after because it started to wear off.

It is extremely slick so just like it says nothing sticks, it is super easy to wash and it feels like teflon when you touch the paint. The dealership charged me $100 bucks to reapply it last year. I did not see how much this stuff is but I might buy some. It is amazing the shine that somes off this. It is almost like you have 10 coats of clear coat on.

I think this is the same stuff or very similar so it might be worth a try. It definitely kept the bird shit and mud off my truck. Like I said, i have never used this particular product before so...