Originally posted by Graham:
And I wouldn't mind spending $3, maybe $4 for a little mindless summer fun for a couple hours.

But after $15 for tix, $4.50 for popcorn, $6.00 for two medium sodas, and a theater full of little shits who can't, or won't, turn off the cell-phones and pagers, I'm now broke and frustrated as I spend two hours watching the same movie a second time, with great special effects, that does not transport me anywhere. Instead, I sit there, fuming, for two hours about how bad the writing is, how pedestrian the plot is, and about how gullible and addle-brained the studios think (or maybe know?) I am . . .

George Lucas still owes me $8.00 and two hours of my life back for "Phantom Menace" . . .

BTW, Samueul . . . you thought Trainspotting was "deep"?

Well, in this day and age, if you expect to pay any sort of dime for a "good" movie experience, you are setting yourself up for failure. If you truly want a "good" movie experience, you need a large screen tv and a nice surround sound system. Going to the theatre was NEVER a great experience... EVER. It's mediocre(sp) at best, all the time....

Maybe "deep" was the wrong term for Trainspotting. Trainspotting was a good portal into the life of a heroine addict, and I would like to think that life was portraited fairly spot on.... So it was edgy and an eye opener, and had some good shock to reality value.... You can't say it wasn't a good movie.
Must stay away from political/religious debates. Must stay away........