That's real nice; hoping for physical harm. You beat your wife?

First, I simply posted in this thread with a response based on the topic of the thread. You jumped on me for no reason without any relation to the topic at hand.

Second, I have yet to bring up (in this thread) my political views. However, it has turned into a "love it or leave it", "what other countries have you been to" bullshit, nothing thread.

My point, and what initially pissed me off, is my first example. If you don't agree with my politics fine, but don't hijack a thread just to fuck with me. I could care less (...It's a message board people) what you think about me or my views and I don't feel obligated to defend, prove or argue my point; albeit I like to now and then. Who gives a fuck what other countries I have been to, who I voted for and why I believe the way I do! You wanna talk about that shit, start a thread with my name in it and I'll sling red clay mud all day long; otherwise, stick to the topic at hand. Madman!
"I came for the soccermommycars but I stayed for the retards."