Hell, just hang out and follow some of the topics in the ALR, you may just find that you are the next contestant on "you can kiss my ass!" laugh (<<
Many of us have been on this board for a long time and we get into little flame wars from time to time. Once you've been here for a while you will see what I mean. It's no different from any other message board or users group.

I believe in my convictions, I would have no problem saying these things to someones face. I don't think I would start off with name calling though. I have been known to throw out some spicy zingers from time to time.

That's why I wanted to extend the olive branch to Xterrapin. We both have our personal convictions and to continue the tit for tat arguement is getting nowhere.

Like the man said, this is the ALR. The place you can come to on this board to air things out. It gets hot in here sometimes. Sometimes the debates in here can get heated. [Argue]

This yoga seems to be mellowing me out though....ohm...ohm...ohm... laugh