Originally posted by Mobycat:

I don't think a lot of people realize that the Palestinians (the average Palestinian...not Arafat or his terrorist friends) have been pawns in this entire thing. When Israel became an official state again in '48, the surrounding Arab countries used the Palestinians. "Come here, we'll make sure you're treated right." And then turned around and fucked them.
Please tell me what an "average " Palestinian is? Until recently most were born elsewhere. Arafat was born in Egypt.

You are wrong. There was no such thing as a "Palestinian" until Arafat and his buddies invented the whole bullshit in the late 1950's. The whole scam was invented as a way to comabat the State of Israel. The Palestinians that moved there were Arabs not wanted in other states and Arabs who re-invented themselves and were reborn as "Palestinians". How come no other Arab country wants these people anywhere near their borders? They are rabble.

Jordon killed tens of thousands of "Palestinians" in the 70's yet no one hears anything about that. They tried to overthrow the government and over 100,000 were killed. Jordan's population is 60% of what can be considered "Palestinians". No other Arab country wants these people because they are rabble. They would rather kill them than take them into their country... and no one in the West cares. Except for the propagnda value.

The original State of Jordan was designed as the so-called "Palestinian State". It's name was "Trans-Jordan". People who call themselves "Palestinians" today were either thrown out of other countries and resettled in the existing terratories and the decendants of those that did not accept life in countries like Jordan.

The world is now fucking Israel in it's sympathies to this discarded rabble. It is wrong. It is all born out of anti-semitism and hatred for Israel.

Israel needs to defend itself and kill all the terrorist infrastructure.