You know I am slowly changing my tune on where I sit on some of these issues. I love the fact that more of our soldiers have died in Iraq since the war ended... Nobody of real importance was brought to "justice" and so far the whole reason for the war is completely circumstantial.... I am starting to doubt...

I was never a democrat, and I was starting to lean to the right a lot more, but I think I will take my old stance as a libertarian.

The MiddleEast will always be fucked as far as I am concerned. Getting involved over there has changed absolutely nothing as far as US interests go, so fuck em. Let em all kill themselves, and we need only get involved when it spills over to here.

Oh yeah, I'm sick of this euro trash talk about how we americans "know nothing" about history etc. etc. I think we know plenty, we (not I) are so hell bent on having a hand in making things better, that we can't see the forest through the trees is all. It's time to pull out, and just take the "don't tread on me" stance again. Everyone for em selves and we'll see which nation is standing when the dust settles.
Must stay away from political/religious debates. Must stay away........