Originally posted by Claus A Christensen:

I like the fact you use the word probably, care to back up those comments?. I would love to know more about where and how those HQ's operate?.
Don't you read your newspapers up there? Hezbollah has a huge operation up there. It was all over your papers a few months back because there was a big debate in your Parliament whether to outlaw them. Most of the sick radical leftists in your government didn't want to do it. They thought it was "intolerant" and "bias" against Arabs. Imagine that. Arguing against banning a major terrorist organization because it would be culturally insensative.

Finally sanity prevailed and they are technically outlawed now. Whether your government is enforcing this or clamping down on their fund raising activities is another issue. I hope they are but who knows. The leftist PC insanity is much worse up there in Canada then it is down here.

There are numerous Arab charities in Canada with ties to terrorism. Our government asked yours to shut some down. I doubt they did it though. Canada has not been very cooperative in the many terrorist investigations since 9/11. Canada is a great place to set up shop if you want to raise money for terrorism. It's so PC up there no one would dare to ask any questions. Every Middle Eastern Studies program in all your major universities are packed with fund raising professors and terrorist enablers (a lot of ours too). Concordia University immediately comes to mind. Anti-semitism and Palestinian support is the rule at that place.

Run some searches on The National Post. You'll find some stuff if the articles have not been purged now that they have turned into a typical liberal newspaper