Originally posted by XterraNut808:
haha, i give teenagers a bad rep huh? for your information(and as spoiled and messed up as this sounds), ive explained this before, this truck was handed down to me, because my mom got a new car. i pay for gas and insurance($240 a month mind you). i also hold down 2 jobs(i work at shopko and my friend dealership washing cars). on top of everything else, ive also managed maintain good grades(3.4 GPA now). so sure, go ahead and think im an idiot, but it was all in fun, in fact, i even know who the kids are now, they go to my school(they look much bigger in the dark,lol). why would anyone get hurt, its not like were were going at insane speeds(OH MY LORD IM GOING 53 IN A 45, I CAN BARELY HOLD THE WHEEL!).sure all you old(er) folks can think im a trouble maker, i dont care. its called HAVING FUN, im sure you guys did that when you were young. besides, arent us youngins entitled to behave wrongly once in our childhood, just to make your assumptions true?
so before you get too carried away with your preconceptions of who i am, maybe you should remember how you acted when you were a kid.
truck handed down to you huh? your mom blows through cars pretty fast then... :rolleyes:

call me an ass, but i really hope one day you total that xterra (hurting noone in the process) and your parents end up buying you a peice of crap car to drive around. maybe then youll realize how nice that xterra really was.