Originally posted by XterraNut808:
truck was handed down to me, because my mom got a new car...
It's true. I know his mom. Her headlights are somewhat less than 10 million candlepower, however. [Finger]

on top of everything else, ive also managed maintain good grades(3.4 GPA now)
It's true. His course concentration is in fingerpainting and building bird houses. Not to mention the floor mopping 101. [Finger]

...its called HAVING FUN...
It's true. If you call breaking the law fun. Studies show most social dieviants have fun intruding on other's privacy unlawfully. [Finger]

...besides, arent us youngins entitled to behave wrongly once in our childhood...
It's true. Your generation tends to rationalize a bit too much. You'll be lucky to ever get out of mom's house with that attitude. [Finger]

....so before you get too carried away with your preconceptions of who i am, maybe you should remember how you acted when you were a kid.
It's true. I did stop and remember how I acted when I was young. Don't recall being that much of a horse's ass, though.

In short, troll elsewhere. And to quote another member of XOC - phuck-off. [Finger]
"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world. The unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”