Originally posted by porsche996:
Geez. It was just a fender. Bent the shit out of his bumper, too, but that's what it's there for.

You bunch of pansies ought to quit acting like you're offroaders if you think that damage was any big deal. This guy is at least willing to go balls out with his rig, and y'all are making fun of him for it. Wow.

Besides, body panels are just there to protect the drivetrain...

God. This place really is full of a bunch of pansy ass grocery gettin' mall crawlers afterall.


I am ok with body damage, but there is no way in hell that I'm going to drive like a retard because of my attitude about body damage. And every trail I drive without body damage I consider a success.

Don't really know where your Mall comment is coming from... [Freak]