Hey Guys, Thanks to all of you who came out. hopefully we can do this again soon with a few more members. I think that we learned alot about what our trucks can do as well as our own ability off road. I sent a e-mail to Dave and the guys that came out from firewalkers thanking them for a job well done. When I invited them I had no intention of them taking the ball and running with it. I thought that it would be nice to have
a variety of trucks out to see what every body can do. I'm glad they were there I think we would have been a little more conservative if we were on our own. I think we learned how important tires are for the first mod. as well as having at least one truck with a wench. I think Roofgoat would have suffered alot more damage if we didn't have Dave there to wench him up.
Hats off to everyone that came, and big hats off to Firewalkers. laugh