Sorry for tuning in so late, been a busy week, haven't even washed my truck yet. When I get stuck, I really get stuck. I was hung up on my pumpkin, drive shaft, spring hanger and rock slider (all at the same time mind you) damage seems minimal. After the first rock garden of Martinez Canyon, it was decided we turn around. On the way back through going through the first turn around a boulder to avoid a tree and then an even bigger boulder put me in that predicament. Neither of my lockers were working at the time, but didn't know that until I got into the rock garden the first time round and realized they weren't engaging, think it's the air line connections fault. My spring hangers definately need their own skid plates, they're chewed up something awful. Drive shaft has it's own new distinct mark from rotating while pinned on a rock. I had a lot of rumbling and rattling somewhere in the suspension on the passenger side, but went away after about an hour and never did find out what caused it. I guess I'll find out when the bottom falls out from under my truck while driving down the highway. I had a great time with everyone and now at least I know there is absolutely no way I'd take my truck up Martinez Canyon unless I was prepared to take on that kind of punishment. laugh