There's the problem and there is little we can do about it. The Rangers, I.e. Officials that have the authority would rather have us locked out as well as the "Reckless" ones.

It's environmentalism, lack of coordinated stewardship, Illegal immigration and a population that doesn't ceed to the laws of the land period, and a dozen other factors that are pushing honest hard working people out of a sport.

It has become the way things are done, punish the whole for what the part has done.

When perhaps we encounter those who Tread NOT So lightly, we take a Plate number down and or take pictures, video and turn it over to anyone who will take it (I think you have a hard time getting anything enforced.) and prosecute them to the fullest extent of the LAW, however what this means is a petty fine and business as usual.

Enjoy the freedom while we still have it, buy your permits, etc. donate to conservation when you can verify that it isn't for the complete closure of Off-roading, elect officials that share our views, document responsible Off-Highway use and share it Via the internet, visit forums like ours, Etc.

Somehow I don't think it will make a difference, sad to say, only slow the closure down if anything. I hope I'm wrong.