I was gonna stay out of this one but then things went weird. Trail rides are annoying enough with bad drivers like me slowing everyone down and ripping out their spare tires. If you let friggin 2wd's and muranos and such up there then it is gonna be a friggin nightmare. GOX is and should remain a 4wd Xterra event period. If you want to organize more gone events that is fine but don't ruin GOX. I guess to me it is just a sacred event and one that I look forward to every year. I have twice taken a week off school at the beginning of a tough semester to attend GOX. For anyone in upper division courses this amounts to shooting yourself in the foot and hobbling along trying to catch up the rest of the time. I make this sacrifice because this event is important to me. I truly feel for those who cannot attend due to the timing but there are other events to attend. Rather than taint an event that has become an institution let's organize another gone event at another time. There really is nothing going on in the summer. How about finding somewhere to go in california where there are plenty of trails. Or even better someplace near a lake or an ocean where it is warm.
Cuz we're in the spirit world, asshole. They can't see us.