Originally posted by fastdrmr:
I do not have the same vibration that you guys are talking about. In fact, the more I load the rear to get it to come down the 5" lift (since the springs come with more like a 6" lift to account for settling) the more the vibration completely disappears.

SHIMS - fat side faces forward to raise the pinion angle.
The shims are in right, we confirmed that. They come drilled the opposite way, but we both caught the problem and re-drilled them to face the right direction.(Fat side forward)As well as fixed the too short stud.

The vibration is 20-40MPH, then goes away again.

So you are saying you have a vibration problem as well, but it dissapears when you load it down? Is the 6" lift permanent or temporary? I guess what I am getting at is it always 6" so when you load up for a wheeling trip it drops to 5"? That sounds great on paper, but not if it means a vibration when not loaded all the time.