lovin the pics as always. i hope carlton posts some of his video, especially the potato salad hill roll over!

And regarding all the posts about not having this during EJS? HELL NO! This week was GREAT!!! it wouldn't have been half as much fun if we didn't see all those bad ass rigs.

I think the only trail where you guys were pressured by jeeps must have been golden spike cause i never saw any jeeps hot and heavy to pass us. the few that came along either got by real easy or they were going as slowly as we were. i REALLY don't see what the problem is!

my question, Ian are you ever satisfied with anything? or do you just like to complain and try to make everyone else feel like an ass?

really, no offense meant, i enjoyed meeting you and think you do a lot of good for the clubs but sometimes i just felt like saying man write a book and sell it to someone who cares!

giddy up!