Originally posted by Kat&Chris:
Actually I have to back everyone around here on the mid-atlantic coast. Gas gets expensive and the difference between s/c and a non-s/c v6 isn't worth the extra expense with the interest in long or short run.
"Everyone around here on Mid-Atlantic"? Eh? Let me count....6 Mid-Atlantic people have chimed in...3, Myself, DocNo, lincolnellie(all in VA) all have S/C and have come out in support of it....3 others, Suspect2 and OffroadX(who has a 2000 so he didnt really have a choice) and yourself also from Mid-Atlantic(MD) have said no....I call that 3 to 3, not quite "everyone" :rolleyes: or is it just a MD vs VA issue? Plus gas is cheaper from Manassas and points west....then again so are cigarettes...beer....taxes...cost of living...quality of life...bla bla bla....LOL....j/k.....
BluRdgX(originally from MD)
I come for the information but stay for the bickering....