Okay, You guys have convinced me that getting 300 miles can be done. I thought about why you guys are getting that kind of MPG versus what I get. I came to conclusion that where most of you guys live seem to be places where the pace of everyday life can be taken at a bit of a slower pace (if you so choose). In Southern California, if I drove 60-65 on the freeway, I'd get blown off the road, even in the slow lane by the white-hairs in their Cadillacs. I'm also more interested in getting to where I want to get than squeezing 30 more miles out of my tank (which equates to what...about $9+change these days?). For example, when my buddies and I are caravan-ning down to the ocean with our kayaks, I don't want get into the water 20 minutes later than they did because I needed to keep it under 2000RPM's. I also don't want to get to a head trail an hour later, because gas conservation is an issue. All those minutes add up in life (at least to me). I'm intetested in living my life, not squadering it on the freeway counting miles, taking my x apart for aerodynamics, and not driving the X the way it was made to be driven.
I'm not sure this was the direction the poster wanted it to go, but it prompted interesting comments.