Originally posted by Xtoolbox:
I'm not sure actually what you meant by bringing the front up 2.5" inches but if you cranked the T-bars that much you will likely have problems. Reindexing the T-bars is what AC recommends I believe.

Okay, can someone clear something up for me? Assuming you don't run out of threads on the torsion bar adjusment bolt, what is the point of reindexing them? All that seems to change is the angle the torsion bar anchor makes with the frame crossmember, not the actual amount of twist the bar is undergoing due to tension in the system. How does this change anything? (Preload, etc...)

I've asked the techs at a few Nissan dealerships about this very question and they've all agreed with me--reindexing isn't neccessary, or even beneficial, until you run out of adjustment on the torsion bar anchor bolt.

So what am I missing?
Vikram/gothamist -- MAXC member