Originally posted by an1malch1n:
I just went to the Calmini website and none of those lockers will work with your X's.

Calmini should have put those in the HB/Pathy section and not in the X area.

I don't know, but could it be that these are BRAND NEW applications and Calmini simply copied existing documentation to post them on the website, maybe a bit early... as there seems to be lots of speculation. We can always wait till Monday and find out by calling Calmini.

edit: It may just prove how much a reputation counts. These guys may have been the ones the lockier companies finally listened to, hence creating several applications for the Xterra that weren't offered before they pushed the companies. All the petitions may not have mattered, maybe it took an established company with a proven sales record to create the market for such products.

Just a thought.

[ 02-09-2002: Message edited by: Matt Peckham ]
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