You've failed to see that the same thing happens to a drooped tire on a truck w/o a revolver...at full droop, when both suspensions are hanging from the mounts....neither has traction then.

I am talking about the POINT that the regular shackle has allowed full droop...lets say X inches down.

The regular shackle DOES have no weight on the tire at that POINT.

The Revolver Shackled tire will still have SOME weight on it at the SAME X inches of droop, and a bit further down as well.
No, the Revolver can't still have "a bit further down". At the point the revolver is at the same level of flex as the maxed out regular shackle, ie the point that the revolver starts to open up, that's it for traction in both cases. The fact that the revolver opens up and lets the tire literally fall lower doesn't mean it has magically created more traction; it just means it LOOKS like there's more traction, 'cause the tire is touching the ground instead of hanging in the air.

But the point is, a revolver doesn't open up until there's no more weight of the vehicle on the spring. Which means the only time it opens up is during the time there is NO ADDITIONAL TRACTION AVAILABLE, no matter whether the tire dangles in mid-air, or actually gets to take a rest by lightly touching the ground.

There is no traction available from the tire once it's reached the point the revolver starts to open up. The exact second the revolver starts to open up is the least amount of traction available from that tire. No, it doesn't get any worse as it dangles on down, but it doesn't magically get any better, either. At the point it starts to open, traction is next to 0. And as it dangles, it's still next to 0.

Which is why I say get a real spring pack that gives you the same flex point as what the revolver will get you, if you really feel you need that much flex. Because at the final point of full flex, neither the revolver nor the leaf will have any traction. But everywhere on the way down, the leaf pack version will have traction, whereas the revolver stopped having traction from the moment it started to open up.

You get flex w/ revolvers. You don't get traction. The added flex is useless unless you get traction along with it.

Seriously. Go make your video, and silence us "uninformed doubters". I challenge you to prove they work with something other than your illogical ponderings.