Originally posted by TJ:
....Do I say doing a SAS is a RTI Fag Mod because it improves the RTI score? Like that's a bad thing?.....
You're hilarious.

You are comparing an SAS to Revolvers?

As has been stated before, the RTI ramp is neat but does not take into account the coefficients of friction. Had you taken High School Physics 1 you would know that.

The gauntlet has been thrown.

You have been called out.

Go brag on Pirate about your revolver shackles and link us to the replies.


The physics don't lie. People who have jobs (God forbid! [Huh?] ) don't have time to reply to all 20000 words of your bullsh1t.

The revolvers function as designed. They provide some extra flex and a very small amount grip. They also have all the other drawbacks listed.

Originally posted by JeffW:

revolver shackles...

...increase chances of rollovers
...ruin leaf springs
...destroy spring hangers

I would love to see TJ go on Pirate and tell those dudes how much he loves his revolvers. Or he could come to a real hardcore trail and see how many people run them.

Like I said before, I don't have time to reply to this crap. I will continue to repost the truth:

Originally posted by JeffW:
.......Jp doesn't like 'em:

http://www.jpmagazine.com/techarticles/trail/154_0704_lamest_4x4_products_ever/index. html

The guys at Pirate: "..They are for ramp fags.."

S10 Extremists don't like 'em: "...They really aren\'t any good for anything but ramp champs...."


All publications/conjecture aside, the bottom line is Physics. If your body weight is not enough traction to push the vehicle out by hand, the weight of half your axle (-w-wheel) ain't either......

......Go down to Independence in Penrose and find ONE, just one person with revolver shackles. You won't.
People with hardcore offroad rig don't run revolvers for a reason. Cut the crap, TJ.

Revolving Wacky Shackles
Revolvers, or any homebuilt wacky shackle. Gawd, makes us just want to turn around if we get behind a guy running these things on the trail because of how many driveshafts we've seen bind and spit out on their behalf-especially while climbing a ledge. They unload and cause the springs to jack, sending the rear pinion toward the floor and the front toward the ground, negating any traction the tires may get. Just a bad idea all around unless all you care about is RTI ramp scores.