Maybe my math skills are too rusty to fully appreciate either side of this argument, but when I think about the logistics of the function of the revolvers, I can't help but see them as having a decreasing value as they unload - as Porsche outlined - with even the upper range being of questionable / practical value.

Not to say that they aren't highly useful in a controlled environment or on trails that have a higher coefficient for traction - allowing the tires with traction to help pull the weight.

I am looking at this from a dual perspective - which I am sure will get me flamed in almost no time. I am only posting this because I've read all 11 pages with interest and, frankly, wanted to be a revolver supporter.

But, after 11 pages, I find that I am wholly in the other camp, for the following reasons:

1) I watch SpikeTV when I can and TiVo some of the shows on there. With only 1 exception (a cheap jeep build up on Extreme 4x4), I have never seen a show where they filmed a truck using revolvers. Hell, even on the cheap jeep build up, I didn't see the revolvers do more than give some front end function, as the jeep was climbing - with the rear wheels having full traction. So, while the jeep did see some benefit from the extra extension, it was only a few inches and that tire really wasn't doing much to actually move the jeep up hill.

2) TJ: While I am sorry to hear about your personal life and wish you the very best, I found that I was started to take everything you said with a(n increasingly large) grain of salt - especially once you put out there that you spend a great deal of time taking care of your wife and her needs. So, if that's the case, how do you have time to wheel 'every day' and still post up extended replies on this topic?

My belief now is that you (TJ) are a supporter of revolvers and, because you are being called into question for your position, are defending them to the hilt. The problem is that, in defending them as much as you have, you've actually swayed me away from them because I cannot now differentiate the facts from the feelings.

I would much rather have seen a response that ran along the lines of 'I use them and like them, but they're not for everyone.'. Instead, the argument has become personal and has drawn up a degree of math that I haven't seen in years - with examples that I am not sure are wholly accurate.

Flame away.. I didn't post up this reply without knowing that I'm opening the door to comments about my knowledge, character, parentage, sexual preferences, race, religion, etc... I just felt compelled to finally chime in on this topic given that I now have zero desire to consider revolvers in my upgrade path.