Originally posted by mars:
Have you considered a late model Land Rover... D2? they are solid axles, old enough that there are lockers and mods a plenty, if you are careful you can get one with a locking center diff and 7 person seating. They are EASY to work on. Suspension has a lot of articulation. They come with off road abs, Hill descent, etc.
There is a certain amount of cachet associated with the brand.
I have had a Jeep Rubicon, Toyotas (pickup and a pair of 4runners), Land Rover D2, and Nissans (pathy and X).
The jeep mildly modded was the off-road champ no questions asked. the toyotas were solid, good perfoming, and un-breakable but ultimately moved too much into soccer mom territory. the landy was a hoot but got I tired of chasing down leaks. the second gen pathfinder was just plain silly-really just a glorified station wagon (the dakar version was incredibly modded before you bring it up). The X... you know it well. It's a good beast, a good compromise, but not as capable as the new FJ or the upcoming 07 4 door jeep wrangler. YMMV.
I did consider a Land Rover back in 96 or so, D90. But I was shocked at the poor quality construction, crappy GM engine, lack of off-road capability(other then approach departure), water intake system, ergonomics, water tightness, and even the salesman told me I would hate it after owning Japanese and could not afford the repairs eek

I have looked at the FJ, but it has a ways to go. The Xterras 4x4 system is WAY ahead and WAY better, the X farther refined, better transmission and engine and more advanced overall. The FJ may have a stronger 4x4 system to be sure and the worlds best oil filter location!

They all give you some compromise. The X gains you a sevier bottoming out problem to repair, and some real unkowns about the new differential strengths. AFter seeing the FJ, I believe the X is better overall. But if it breaks to easy.... I beat the crap out of it already, but only with stock tires.

The new Jeep is a real mystery...Further strengthing...better overall construction....maybe enough expedition room with a hard top. And all the goodies, just needs lift and tires. But will it be the first nice roadable Jeep? And with 35's? I know I can build the X to cruise cross country with 35s with gears.....

I have only ran Monteros though, so I do appreciate comments. It seems the 05X is light years beyond older Nissans. I would have never even considered a Pathfinder.