I was at a local dealer today dropping off my x from a service. I was looking at the SC and talking to one of the dealers and we ended up talking about upgrades for non SC x's. Anyway, he told me about how they had a used X on the lot a few weeks earlier that the owner had put in a chip. The dealer told me he drove it and he said there was a big difference in power. So I called a store here in town and the guy said they have a Jet G Force Controller that attaches to the engine and can be turned on or off as you like. Apparently it ups the HP by 13-18 ponies. Its sells for about $450 CDN (aournd $300 US). So I'm wondering if anyone here has tried this or heard about it. I searched and all that came up was posts about sending your chip to a company for re-programming. But nothing about a separately installed piece.
Any ideas?
