Originally posted by TJ:
..........If the Calmini had decent powder coat and didn't stick out so damn far......

I'm gonna call bullsh!t on this.

First off, it's a metal product. If the buyer doesn't like the powder coat, they can spend $50 for another coat. Another coat is a good idea regardless. Anyway, NO powdercoat will hold out indefinitely under a vehicle.

I haven't seen evidence that the Shrock powdercoat lasts longer than Calmini. If you're going to down the Calmini product, I expect to see some hard evidence of a controlled test where their powdercoat was proven to be inferior. If the evidence isn't there, spouting off about it is nothing more than libelous propaganda.

Vince has been running the Calmini bumper for years. He has run the same difficult trails (and more) as the guys running the Shrock. While your argument about the approach angle may be true, it is certainly not the '05 Xterra's "Achilles heel".

As I said before, both bumpers kick a$$. My preference is the Calmini because IMO it looks better (with hoops) and keeps the winch more accessible.

Don't tell people that the Calmini bumper is a significant liability offroad unless you have documented scenarios ot back it up. Since nobody has the bumpers on '05, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

So far, it looks fine to me.......