Don't forget that if you have aftermarket bumpers or sliders you will have to have someone custom fabricate mounting hardware for them. I assume the Calmini kits and such come with what you need to move the factory bumpers though. The whole process looks like a PITA to me. Sure, it's less money for the parts, but the labor is intensive and the interior has to be nearly completely removed I guess. Atleast the Xterra I saw getting a body lift had the interior removed. To me it doesn't look like a job most people could do in their garage or drveway easily, whereas the suspension lift can be. So, you may want to consider labor costs if you have to have someone else do the work. With labor and custom brackets, if needed, the body lift could easily end up costing more than the suspension lift. And you know that frame you can see hanging from under your Xterra? Well, with the body lift you're going to see even more of it. I'd think twice before doing a body lift, and would certainly only do it secondary to the suspension lift.
"Every morning when I wake up I know it's not going to get any better 'til I go back to sleep again!" Al Bundy