Originally posted by WolfmanX:
[QUOTE] laugh I enjoy reading your replies, they are well written.. But I do have one little nit pick. I am not trying to bash anyone or anything, but I was just wondering about your profile..

"Safety, Anonymity, Just another freak in the freak kingdom"

That kinda contradicts what you just said smile Just figured I would point that out.

I think people are way too sensitive on here honestly, but it makes for a good time passer while at work. [Laughing]
It would appear to do so, yes, but it's just a quote from a book I like, in which the Protagonist must flee Las Vegas to escape his ultimate demise...

"There was only one road back to L.A.--US Interstate 15, a flat-out high speed burn through Baker and Barstow and Berdoo, then on to the Hollywood Freeway straight into frantic oblivion: safety, obscurity, just another Freak in the Freak Kingdom."

I added the "anonymity" part because, well, it's the internet.

I've always loved that quote. I think it sums up the appeal of my native city.

Thanks for the remark about being "well written". That's the nicest thing someone has said to me in a long time. If I either make someone chuckle or fume, I feel my time here on Earth will not have been wasted.

And you're right, people are a bit to sensitive, here, there, everywhere. Like I often say about my own bachelor party, Sometimes you're the guy laughing at the guy getting his balls whipped by the crackhead stripper, and sometimes you're the guy getting his balls whipped by the crackhead stripper. You gotta be able to laugh at them both.