Its easy for me to say this now, but the "Correct" thing for the truck to have done would be to make a right turn out of the driveway and then make a u-turn someplace down the road.

You said you have had problems in the past with this spot with cars/trucks coming out blinding and becoming a target for a broadside accident. I would suggest that they put a sign there informing drivers to make a right turn instead of a left. They could even go as far as putting in an R17 sign at the driveway exit, and make it illegal to make left turns.

One of my projects that I am working on is on US101 in Novato,CA. There is a driveway exit similar to this. Over the last few years there have been many serious accidents (a few fatalities) involving trucks exiting and making left turns. What the local authorities did was restrict the left turn movement and force the trucks to make right turns and then a U-turn later on.

It only costs your local public works office a few hundred dollars to install an R17 sign. Contact their office, and send them a copy of your video and an explanation of how unsafe the road design/opperation is. That is a quick fix that can quickly be handled. (shoot, if you can get an email address for your public works director, just email him the video)

Personally, I have a class-B drivers license to operate buses. Whenever I encounter situations like this - I know my bus is huge and is a sloth when it comes to acelerating. So I usually opt to make a right turn instead of a left. Unless I see a big gap (and I mean really big) in traffic and I know that there is enough time for me to complete that left turn safely.
There are three kinds of people in the world. Those who can count; and those who can't.