Originally posted by SiNiSt3R:
well I was at the dealership haggling down the price for bout 6 hrs. After everything, 3 days later, i found out that they conveniently forgot to tell me that the vehicle was a roll back. Meaning someone owned the truck b4 me and just used it for a week and had to give it back to the dealership because the bank would not approve the loan.If this was told to me at the time, i certainly would've opted for a different X.
not that it's going to help you much now, but you could've bought a used one.

at first i thought you said you got suckered into buying the 4 banger, but it's obviously a different case now.

you're the only one in your group of friends who has a car? not trying to sound mean but if you and your friends are that young maybe your xterra isn't so bad to begin with. a lot of people start off with much worse vehicles. offroad when you're a little older and gotten used to handling an suv on the street first.
What're the odds that my post will start a new page?