Originally posted by Origami Gangsta:
Originally posted by pnwbeers:
[b]Sort of a side-issue, but in all honesty how is it that the south is so damn dirt cheap?
Lots and lots of po' folks.

Yeah, I know, there are shitloads of poor people up north and to the west too, but we seem to have a good stranglehold on them. laugh

That, and low standard of living. The South has ALWAYS been cheaper than the North.

That being said, I can't wait to get the hell outta SC.[/b]
I've lived in:
- Texas (San Antonio & DFW area)
- California (Bay Area)
- Okinawa
- Louisiana (New Orleans)
- Florida (Tampa area)
- Georgia (Atlanta area)

...and mostly through business trips and my former airline employment, I've been fortunate enough to have traveled the country and the world. FWIW, my opinion is that the South is just not the most desirable section of the country. Low salaries, less education, more ignorance, racial issues (both sides are still fighting the Civil War here in Atlanta), tons of people with victim mentalities and a sense of entitlement, and so on.