Originally posted by Shahram:

Don't worry about Madman. He can handle it. The guy's been brow-beating motherfuckers on here for years, insulting their families, their race, and everything else, and doesn't exactly pull punches. And now he's pissed off because I don't think the smackwhore that shat him out is some untouchable martyr? Fuck Madman, his mom and the Frenchman she rode in on.
Fuck You Shahram. Besides being an absolute low life, you are also nothing but a huge liar.

I don't insult anyone based on their race. You'd be hard pressed to find any evidence of racism in anything I have posted. I also don't attack people's families. If I ever have, it was in retaliation of such an attack against myself. That's an area reserved for low lifes like you.

Considering that you are a whiny, politically correct little bitch who likes to cry over the slightest things, I have noticed you often accuse many people on this board of racism. Hyper-sensitive assholes like you find racism in everything.

You even start new threads from time to time whining and moaning that some people have overstepped the boundaries that are acceptable to sniveling little cunts like yourself. The current top thread in the ALR is one such bitchy little rant created by you because your cunt hairs were twisted over a thread someone created regarding the "Juneteenth" violence and rioting.

I'm sure it won't be long before you're creating another thread whining, moaning, and bitching about this message board or threatening to leave again.