Originally posted by Alpine Spirit:
Well here is my opinion of the two in terms of being elected in todays political environment.

1. Hillary - I dont think the US is ready for a Female president .. yet. The hot spots in the world right now do not have alot of respect for women in political power.
The country might be ready for a woman if the right woman were to emerge. But it's not Hillary. She is the wrong woman.

Her paranoia makes Nixon's look pale by comparison.

2. Obama - Black who cares. I think the US is ready for this. The major stepping stone I actually see for him is unfortunately his name. It sounds too much like Osama.
It looks like Hillary's politics of personal destruction is already working on attacking Obama.

According to this "Insight Magazine" article, Hillary's campaign seems very concerned about his Muslim connections and his past and has been investigating him. Of course they release the information to non-mainstream media sources to get Hillary's "conversation" going...


Insight: Hillary's team has questions about Obama's Muslim background

Are the American people ready for an elected president who was educated in a Madrassa as a young boy and has not been forthcoming about his Muslim heritage?

This is the question Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s camp is asking about Sen. Barack Obama.

An investigation of Mr. Obama by political opponents within the Democratic Party has discovered that Mr. Obama was raised as a Muslim by his stepfather in Indonesia. Sources close to the background check, which has not yet been released, said Mr. Obama, 45, spent at least four years in a so-called Madrassa, or Muslim seminary, in Indonesia.

"He was a Muslim, but he concealed it," the source said. "His opponents within the Democrats hope this will become a major issue in the campaign."
Hillary doesn't believe in campaigning. She believes in completely destroying people in order to eliminate enemies and opponents.

It looks like it's starting already.