What I find funny is how so many people can take a person's opinion and take it personally. Especially when it cvomes to gun ownership.

I personally don't see the need to carry a firearm every time I leave the house, but I can see why some people do.

That being said, I don't think people need to carry something like an Uzi or Ak-47 or anything more potent than a handgun when they do carry, but other people do.

Some people want to own a gun, fine with me. Some people want to own lots of guns, again, fine with me.
Hell, I'd like to have a gun or two myself. However, there is a responsibilty to gun ownership and gun use, and I feel that people who fail to meet that responsibilty should be punished for it. Severly punished for it.

The first instruction I ever got before I handled a firearm for the first time was not to point the weapon at anything unless I was willing to destroy it forever.

A firearm is a tool, and like any tool it has it's purpose, but can also be misused and cause destruction and damage. That misuse is always the fault of the operator of the tool, not the tool itself.

My opinion, having lost a family member (My great Uncle - a Prison Warden) who was shot during a Prison break attempt by a convicted murderer (who shot his original Victim), is that any person who commits a crime with a firearm should never be allowed to posess one again. Anyone who uses a firearm to kill another person while committing a crime should be put to death, immediately.

That would be the best Gun control.

That's just my opinion.
I'm just trying to put my tires on the rocks of life.