Originally posted by BlueSky:
Originally posted by akaMud:
[b]Citizens armed to the teeth is what keeps state militias well regulated.
So you think Joe Bob and his Glock are going to keep the National Guard in line? Good luck. Let's face it, it will never happen, but if it ever came down to the U.S. military vs. John Q. Public, the public wouldn't have a chance.

BTW, this thread's title reminded me of that ironic scene in Red Dawn where they pan the shot from a "They can have my gun when they pry it from my cold dead fingers" bumper sticker to an enemy soldier doing exactly that. It's at the very end of this clip. [/b]
Blue who makes up the military? John Q. Public....

If there becomes such a great rift in this country that a revolution or civil war would break out, it would be all encompassing. It might start with civilian uprisings, but everyone would be drawn into it. The government, military, etc. would all fracture and devolve into factions just like it has every time in history. It would not be Joe Bob and his redneck friends vs. the Military. Joe Bob and his redneck friends ARE the military, along with Alan the corporate consultant, Dave and Suzy the nurses in the hospital etc. Why can't people get this? If you're in the military you are more than likely to march with your brothers and sisters than you are against them. Our Civil War is a perfect example of this. The entire nation, people, government, military etc. all split into their respective factions and duked it out. Where did it start? Did the military back then not have more "might" than Joe Bob?

Using a Hollywood movie (no bias in Hollywood?) as an example, especialy a movie that depicts the downfall of the US is not really a good example.
Must stay away from political/religious debates. Must stay away........