Originally posted by CaptanZap:
then you are one of the lucky ones, i for one will never do business w/ them...like i stated before, they are a vendor for 300zx's and 70% is negative feedback on wrong orders and messed up something to make an inconveinance on others...not good business ratio if you ask me...
If you have been on this board for any amount of time (and from your post count I see that you are a newbie) you would know that among the vendors for the Xterra, Xterraparts.com is one of the most reliable and honest vendors we have. There is not another vendor for the Xterra that has been as receptive of what we want nor has there been a vendor with as good customer service as them.

Perhaps in your Z world you may have had some problems with them but we here in the Xterra world have not seen the behaviour you have described.

Maybe they like us more.
SAS - It's what your Xterra wants for Christmas.