-My goal is to point out to a hitch buyer that there are possible negative ramifications to skimping on the hitch. I can't see what I said that you would call bitching.

-I'm not feeling very burly at the moment, I have a cold.

-Also, I'm not worked up. It takes much more than an inane argument on the internet to get me worked up.

-No, we agree that the U-Haul hitch is fine for a lot of people. We disagree whether a hitch with frame stiffeners offers an advantage to a person using said hitch within the capabilities of the vehicle.

This is very similar to a discussion on another list I'm on. One camp said that a torque wrench was not necessary for installation of a crank. The other camp recognized that not everyone knew what 35 ft/lbs felt like, and someone new would benefit from the purchase of a torque wrench. Nine times out of ten they would be close enough, but spending a little in the beginning would save them from the tenth time.

In this case, it matters that someone reading this thread for information _might_ benefit from having a Nissan hitch if they intend to tow something.


Originally posted by LastRites:
I cry, you bitch....whats your goal here?
Two very beautiful road bikes....
You feeling all burly getting all worked up on your keyboard?
I propose we either drop it and agree that You have a nissan hitch and I do not....does it even fvcking matter?
