my xterra is a manual tranny. on a lot of over 120 there were only 7 manuals. for most 4 wheeling it has to be a manual. you pick the gear not a computer that is run by a 10 cent fuse, better reliability should something go wrong and you have the ability to limp home if needed. i had a 98 ranger and put 5 tryannys in it the damn thing (ford engineering). one dumped on me in the mountains and i was screwed. totally locked up couldnt even turn it on. with a manual shove it into neutral and hope you have a good tow strap. the manual offers so much more versatility and reliabilty, not to mention better gas mileage, fun to drive and heck its about a thousand bucks cheaper thats a lift or near gears!!!! bottom line pick what you want and study the way you drive and buy what will make you happy. happy driving.
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrannts."

Thomas Jefferson