My '01 has been a great truck. I live in an incredibly harsh environment (Ned is at about 8,500 ft), so I use my 4x4 almost everyday for 9 months of the year. I have used it at the mine site to carry equipment up and down the tight roads when our big mine trucks can't make it. It's been places where I never thought it would go, and was unharmed in the process. I have never broken anything, ever off-road - I have had my front CV boots get destroyed, but that was an easy fix, and probably a screw-up on my part.

I wheel it now on the weekends only - I like it so much I want to keep it till I die. It sits happily in my garage out of the 0 degree weather, partially disassembled with at least a case of empty beer bottles laying around to keep it company. An '06 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited now gets me to and from work (which is a great truck too, btw).

In your situation I would sell the vehicle in the private market. I would list high, since you have the time to see if you get a bite. If not, no big deal, bring it down slowly and see what happens.

Then buy the 4x4 of your dreams, Xterra or not. It is a great hobby, good way to learn mechanical skills, and above all gets you into areas that you can't go without one (you mentioned camping). I got mine out in three feet of snow to hit up Eldora the day after the big storm out here and was all alone - because no one else could make it.

If you really want one why not, you only live once and you could be dead tommorrow. Money is just money, it comes and goes. Spend it you get to have fun now; save it you get to have fun later, maybe.

So in direct response to the questions:
1. Yes, just do it.
2. Freaking amazing.
3. Bought my '01 used in '03.
4. Freaking amazing.

And you thought you could ramble x-cited.