What do you guys think? The Sierras are all snowed in right now and I'm thinking (weather permitting) we could do a relaxing day with the group.

This will be a potluck style BBQ (I'll have a sign-up so not everyone brings buns) and we can have activities (bring a ball or game of choice). This will also be your oppertunity as a club to suggest places/trips you would like to do this year and volunteer your time to lead a trip smile .

So throw out a few dates you can make within the next few months and locations.

My suggestions are Mt. Diablo, Ocean Beach, Stinson Beach, or wherever...I suggest you Sac folks weigh in soon if you want something near wink . This could also be a trip to Hollister/Cow Mtn that could include wheeling (but personlly I'm bored with dirt wheeling).

Oh and think day trip and weekend. I want to accomodate as much of the club as possible. So lurkers, noobs, old-timers, past-timers, whoever...even you 2wd Xterra owners, hell Jalopy and Yota owner are welcome too wink (just don't park too close to us :p ).